Series 3: Round 7 Complete

Last week was round 7. It went well, pretty much like round 6.

The fatigue is setting in earlier on Friday than before, but runs it main course in about 24 hours, so by Saturday afternoon I was up and about, but not running any marathons.

The infusion ball / pump is still running fast, so I will have the discussion next week (Round 8) about what to do. My main concern is still that infusing too fast may be reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Isabella has improved tremendously in the last 2 months. She is eating her prescription food much more and has not urinated outside of her box in almost a week. She even runs around a little bit, and has really taken back to her grooming, so her coat is much more white and lustrous. This is a massive improvement and I look forward to having her checked by the vet to confirm if she is showing improvements in the blood work as well.


2 comments on Series 3: Round 7 Complete

  1. That is a beautiful picture of Isabella. I’m not sure I am responding correctly but it was good to see the update on both of you.

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