Another Sunday

Overall today was a good day. I didn’t get back on the bike, but that was more by choice than anything else. Since I was due to change out my appliance today, I would have normally done the workout first, then remove, shower and install new. In this case since I had already pushed my luck yesterday going 4 days instead of 3, I didn’t want to push it further and end up with skin damage, so first thing upon waking up I did the remove, shower, apply routine and started the day off on a positive note.

The day was uneventful. I started off with a breakfast of Belgian waffles with a mixed berry compote (I made this using some frozen blueberries, along with fresh blueberries and blackberries, s dash of orange juice and a sprinkle of sugar.  Other than not having any whipped cream to top it off, it was a delicious breakfast. From what I can tell about my diminished taste sense, I can definitely still taste citrus or acidic things, but most other flavors are quite muted. For dinner I made some free range organic chicken thighs with mashed cauliflower and a sauce made from the chicken drippings, some chicken broth, shallots and fresh lemon juice. I was able to taste the sauce mainly due to the lemon, but still it is something  I know from making this in the past that it is a delicious meal but for now I settled for good. I do look forward to my sense of taste returning once the chemotherapy has finished. On a more positive note, my cold sensitivity is diminished per usual and my hands are working more nimbly again. I am able to type this without too many mistakes and my phone recognizes my finger prints more often than not. That was another interesting observation. Immediately following the treatment (for a few days), my hands tend to swell up a bit, and my phone stops recognizing my finger prints.

My hydration exercise continues to show success and my left leg feels downright normal these days. A huge improvement which could be related to the blood thinner working as much as the hydration. Either way, I am going to continue with both until this adventure concludes.


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