Third treatment – Day 1

Today was day 1 of the third treatment.  It pretty much went the same as the other treatments. I arrived for my 8AM appointment and was taken to the treatment area pretty quickly.  Once there I chose the same chair I have been using from the beginning and the nurse started my process.  Since this was my second Avastin treatment, it was delivered in 60 minutes instead of 90.  Next time it will be 30 minutes.  Things went normally and after the half day long process I headed home with the infusion pump attached.

This one did leave me a little bit more tired than previous ones.  That could be due to not sleeping well the night before, or it could just be the cumulative effects.  The cold sensitivity is at its peak, so even room temperature drinks are a challenge ( it is pretty cold here right now, so room temperature is about 60 degrees from the tap).

Since cutting into the wall to run the permanent hard internet connection between floors is going to be involver, I ran a 100ft. Ethernet line around the base boards and down the stairs to allow my work computer to connect directly over wire to the access point.  I ran a speed test on that machine and am seeing my full 100Mbps down and 10Mbps up, so it is hopefully going to address the artifacts I have been experiencing when in a VTC meeting.  I will find out either tomorrow or Friday depending on how I feel when I wake up.  Right now I have indications of a slight cold ( slightly runny nose ).  My white blood cell count was still good (and improving) so I hopefully have whatever is necessary to fight off what I may have inadvertently picked up.

In the meantime I am researching adjustable beds.  I have had the same mattress and box spring bed for about 17 years now, so it has exceeded the suggested life by  70% and it is probably time for an upgrade.  Since I do enough reading and tv watching in bed, an adjustable bed would be nice for that alone; but even more so having an adjustable bed will be helpful when I am recovering from the surgeries later this year. If anyone out there has some direct experience and recommendation, please comment.  I am considering the Leggett and Platt Prodigy 2.0 as the front runner.  That base will be coupled with a memory foam style mattress which I am still researching.

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