Just another normal day

Not much of note today.  I had a visit from the home care nurse and we are going to space the remaining ones out to align with the chemo instead of burning through them all now when I don’t  need it.

I bought my own instruments to monitor the same vitals that they have been taking, so I won’t be losing out on that.  It may be over kill, but I figure tracking my temperature, blood pressure, and blood oxygen during this treatment regimen can’t hurt and could provide some valuable insight.

Other than that visit I worked a normal day at the office.  I am healing nicely from that surgery and don’t have any fatigue issues yet, even when I take the stairs at work.  I take them a little bit slower, but generally felt fine all day.  The highlight of the day was sitting outside for lunch eating salmon, rice and mixed veg.  It nearly felt normal.  I also had a cup of decaffeinated coffee after lunch and despite being a shadow of what I would have preferred, it was actually not bad, albeit pointless.

I continue to be thankful for having such supportive friends and family, and for how awesome my team at work has been despite my limited help.  I have no doubt that despite the attention that I will be placing on my treatment, we will be successful this year.


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