Earned another badge

Today started out like the last few.  I woke up feeling better than yesterday a little more healed and less sore.  It was mainly another lazy day with a football game to watch at 10AM ( sorry to see the Steelers go down in flames ) and then heading off to see some friends to help celebrate Jane’s birthday.

The birthday get together was great.  My blood family ( Frank and Liz ) got to meet all of my California family and it is always nice to hang with them.

I got to earn my replace your appliance badge though when somewhere along the way (probably when I twisted to look behind me while parking the car) the seal on my pouch became compromised.  As soon as I got home from the party, I immediately proceeded to my room to confirm my suspicions and once confirmed, went into my supplies and using the template from Friday as a guide, I cut a new seal / base and then cleaning myself up, installed a new appliance.  Crisis averted, I relaxed and watched Kingsmen – The Gold Circle and headed off to bed.

Tomorrow when the nurse comes, I will have her inspect my handiwork, but to me it looks fine.  I think the problem with the Friday seal and possibly the Tuesday one as well was me being a little too gentle and not making sure that the seal was pressed down near the stoma, instead just pressing on the outside ring and relying on body heat to melt the adhesive and conform the seal correctly.

I am looking forward to this coming week.  I finally see my new primary care physician on Tuesday, and then get my formal Chemotherapy training on Wednesday.  I plan to work all week and my strength seems to be pretty fine at this point.  I do not do well with boredom, so having work to occupy my time will be a nice break.

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